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Grow 252 is based on the knowledge of Jesus' growth on earth. The Gospel of Luke tell us:

"Jesus increased [grew] in wisdom, and in stature and in favour with God and man" Luke 2:52


Grow 252 is a ministry platform assisting youth, young adults and churches on a journey of growth. We focus on 3 pillars of growth as laid out in Luke 2:52: WISDOM, HEALTH & RELATIONSHIPS


For something to grow, it needs proper inputs, care, support, time and supernatural intervention. Grow seeks to take a participant as they are, assess their developmental stages (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), and make a plan to support their growth in multiple areas.


Each mentor is trained to walk a year's journey with a participant. Ideally, we like to have groups of 3-4 participants with 1 mentor. Participants make their own goals, and the mentor supports the process. We train mentors and give support in their growth as they help the youth of Africa grow.


Currently, we have mentors in South Africa & Kenya, and we're always looking for new partners who are interested in helping youth grow!





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Our strategy is simple.

It's one-to-one or small group gatherings where mentors and mentees individualize a plan for a one-year journey and goal achievement!


We also use art as a tool for ministry. When the body and hands are busy, the mind can calm and allow space for the Spirit to work and heal.







​Why mentoring?

W​​e've found that having a leader (just one step ahead) gives youth accountability, a resource and motivation to reach goals.


In the Cape Flats, graduating high school is one of the biggest achievements. Hindrances to finishing education are due to high teenage pregnancy rates, the influence of gangs, dropouts due to education-challenges/special needs, and poverty issues. 


We all need encouragement, someone to look up to, and people to tell us Truth. Our mentoring groups provide these crucial inputs and walk a long journey with youth that otherwise might be left behind.  

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​Why art?

Art is a tool that's both novel in poverty settings and also healing. Our communities in Africa hold great creativity and storytellers. The traditional schooling models in South Africa do not provide opportunities for creative development - either due to budget constraints or other educational priorities. 


We've found that when hands are busy, the mind is relaxed. Our greatest counselling sessions, debriefs and life-skills lessons happen when art is added to the discussion. 


God is Creator. We are made in His image and mirror that creativity. Being able to provide this type of outlet and ministry tool proves to be fruitful in many, many settings. 








A church-lover and artist, Melanie (Dill) packed up life in 2010 to plant roots and share the love of Jesus to a community in Southern Cape Town, South Africa. Her heart was burdened for this people-group and God allowed me the privilege to serve Him and learn about missions across the sea. 


Then life changed drastically (in 2017) when two became one as the Mokgatla family. And one became three with our little man. This mission is now about a family that God unified - a family that dwells in Cape Town and is on mission across the world. 


Dig into this story and see God's provision on mission.









As of Dec 2024, our organisation has worked in the following communities in South Africa


In & Around Cape Town

Capricorn / Vrygrond



Hanover Park




Ocean View


West Lake


Pollsmoor Prison

Connect Network (Trauma Informed groups)

YWAM, Muizenberg


Outside of Cape Town

Welkom, Freestate

Living the Faith Ministry, Kenya


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